Approach to Teaching
We know that the early childhood years, zero to age eight, are a very critical time for the development of young children. We also know that this time period is one in which typical children's development is very individualized and can be uneven. This makes a single approach or "magic formula" difficult to address every child's individual needs and learning style. This also means that learning does not happen in an isolated moment or at a specific time of day. At Kid Krazy, we understand that learning happens when a curriculum addresses the whole child's development; social and emotional, creative, physical, and cognitive. By observing and focusing on the "whole child", we provide multiple learning opportunities for students to experience both self- guided and direct teaching that promotes their own individual learning and growth. Kid Krazy Preschool is committed to this approach because we know that this is how young children learn best.
To provide multiple learning opportunities throughout the day, children participate in a variety of activities including the following.
Learning Centers
These are areas set up by teachers and students and are changed monthly to fit the theme for the month. Learning centers have activities that are suggested either by written or verbal cues from the teacher or can be developed daily by the children. Materials and equipment in each area are displayed in a manner that promotes individual and independent play.
Monthly Themes
The curriculum has monthly themes that are established and coordinated center wide from toddlers to Pre-K. The monthly unit is designed to promote developmental skills, and to enrich all children's understanding of their world. The themes have educational, social, cultural, and emotional value.
Circle Time/Large Group
Circle time provides the children with the opportunity to interact with each other as a large group, develop focusing skills and self- control skills. Depending on the age group, circle time can encompass sharing time, song, music and movement, lesson of the day which can focus on math, literacy, language, and science concepts.
Small Group
Small group is when the real learning happens for both the teacher and students. Depending on the lesson, it can be a 1:1 ratio or 4:1 ratio. By engaging in small groups, the teacher can focus on the individual learning need of the child as well as learn what the child understands. This understanding helps the teacher to scaffold your child's learning.
Social Skills
With considerable support from Kid Krazy teachers, social skills emerge and interaction with other children begin to take place. Teachers model, facilitate, and encourage children to have positive social interactions. Sharing, communicating, cooperating and caring unfold as teachers assist children in creating friendships in the classroom community
Arts and Crafts:
Although majority of our projects are focused around our thematic units, children are encouraged to just create during their center/choice time. Arts and Crafts projects stimulate a child's mind to be creative. These activities also assist in the development of fine and gross motor skills. Children also achieve a sense of pride and accomplishment through the development of projects. Our program is filled with hands-on learning activities as well as open-ended art activities. Open-ended art allows the child to explore the use of various materials and processes and enjoy what happens. Craft projects are designed to help the children develop their creativity and the use of specific skills. Uneven or lopsided projects are to be expected from children of this age. The children are in the process of learning. It is the "process not the product" that is important. Please keep this in mind and treat all of your children's projects as masterpieces!
Reading and Writing/ Language
Kid Krazy's teachers provide a language rich environment. Children are exposed daily to written and spoken word, and are encouraged to write on daily bases that are both child-initiated and teacher guided.
Math and Science
Children are provided with multiple materials and opportunities to develop math and science concepts that are both self-guided and teacher directed. Kid Krazy promotes the inquiry of science by asking questions. Children predict, observe, and record several science projects throughout the year. In math, children learn to count, first by rote then by understanding of numbers. They learn one to one correspondence, patterning, sorting, sequencing and seriate by size. For Pre-K students, if the child is ready, addition and subtraction are incorporated.
Manipulative help develop organizational skills like sorting, counting, comparing, classifying, matching, and shape recognition. Children integrate concepts through more physical involvement. By using more senses, children form more associations and learn.
Sensory Experiences
Children will be provided with a wide variety of hands on, concrete, real world sensory experiences appropriate for the child's age and stage of development. They will learn about all of their senses and how to use them.
Computer Skills
appropriate for each child's age and developmental level will be introduced and reinforced in our Pre-K class only.
English Language Acquisition
Many children speak a language other than English at home. Our staff recognizes the advantages of having more than one language, and will support the children in acquiring fluency in English. This is a process that can take several years. We will provide opportunities for the child to be part of the group without verbal expectations, and then build on the words that the child knows. In the beginning, it is typical for the child to observe and listen, and to communicate with gestures. Gradually, the child uses one or two word utterances, then short phrases. Through repetition, gestures accompanying words, and extending the child's phrases, we will support the acquisition of English. Parents can help by giving teachers words and phrases in the home language as well as children's books in the home language.